Friday, February 20, 2009
The Muckrakers
Upton Sinclair
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Lincoln Steffens
Wrote the book "The Shame Of The Cities" in 1904.
Steffens was a journalist. He later became an editor of McClure's magazine. he worked with famous muckrakers Ida Tarbell and Ray Stannard Baker. He was especially good at investigating government and political corruption. Two of his articles actually were made up into his book "The Shame Of The Cities" and "Struggle for Self-Government." He, Tarbell, and Baker, all formed American Magazine.
Jacob Riis
Wrote the book "How The Other Half Lives" in 1890.
In 1877 he took a job as a police reporter for the new york tribune. through his experiences as a police reporter, he worked in the most crime infested, lowest of slums. through this he wrote through the eyes of people living in these slums in an attempt to make a difference. After reading his book "How The Other Half Lives," Theodore Roosevelt like it so much he had to meet him, and thus coined the term "muckraking journalism." making Riis a prime example of muckraking.